Customs Services

Customs advisory and planning

We can provide various customs advisory and implementation assistance services to our clients, like import/export license or quota requirements, customs classification, customs valuation, etc.

Internal customs health check

Similar to internal tax health check, we can help clients to conduct internal customs health check upon their request to identify potential risks and explore possible planning opportunities on a timely basis.

Customs dispute resolution

We keep good working relationship with certain customs offices and when necessary, we can help our clients to apply with their in-charge customs offices to obtain acceptable results on disputable customs issues.

Processing trade arrangements

Certain companies may consider adopt processing trade models (like import processing, contract processing, etc.) to conduct import/export and processing activities, in order to maximize the efficiency of Customs Duty and import VAT. We can help our clients to review their operation models and objectives, design optimal processing trade arrangements and detailed operation flows, apply for the customs logbooks, and assist on the relevant customs compliance requirements like periodic customs cancellation.

Contact Us
Floor 13, Asia Mansion, 650
Hankou Road, Huangpu District,
Tel:+86(21)6135 6268
Fax:+86(21)6135 6267